
The West Virginia Homeowners Rescue Program is CLOSED to all new claims and applications. Visit www.wvhomeresuce.com for more information. You may check the status of your application by logging into the application portal.


Over 70 representatives from numerous institutions attended the seminar.

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund recently hosted a training session to familiarize lenders from across the state with Fund programs. The goal of the day-long seminar was to explain and clarify the Single Family Mortgage Program and how lenders can utilize Fund programs to help those in the market for a new house.

“These training sessions give us a great opportunity to help our lending partners gain a better understanding of how our programs work and why those programs could be a good fit for many of their customers,” stated David Rathbun (MLS# 199486), Senior Director of Single Family Loan Originations.

Rathbun started the session by giving a detailed history of the Fund, how it was formed, its overall mission and how it benefits West Virginia. Following his presentation, Patti Shamblin (MLS# 199704), Director of Loan Origination, offered a detailed instruction of the how the Fund’s Single-Family Program works and how lenders can best utilize the options that are available.

Shamblin and Phyillis Jackson (MLS# 199540), the Fund’s Managing Director of Loan Underwriting, detailed why lenders would choose Fund loans, how to use the Fund’s website to lock in loans and request funding, program compliance and what’s required of both the lender and the home buyer, underwriting guidelines, state and federal requirements, what it takes to close a loan, differing kinds of insurance and a number of other issues.

“Training seminars like this are vital to the Fund and its many lending partners,” said Fund Executive Director Joe Hatfield. “If we can clear up any confusing or complex issues before the home buying process starts, we can better serve our lenders and they can better inform their customers.

“It really goes to the heart of how the Fund can most effectively fulfill it’s mission of providing safe, affordable housing,” Hatfield continued. “By reaching out to our partners within the lending community, we not only help them serve their customers, we also help more West Virginians fulfill their dream of owning a home.”

The training took place at the Fund’s office in downtown Charleston. Lenders from the following institutions attended the session:

  • Alcova Mortgage
  • Allegheny Mortgage Company
  • BB&T
  • Centra Bank
  • Clear Mountain Bank
  • Corridor Mortgage
  • Fairmont Federal Credit Union
  • First Community Bank
  • First National Bank
  • Huntington Mortgage
  • Integrity Home Mortgage Corp.
  • Mountain State Lending
  • MVB Bank, Inc.
  • Ohio Valley Bank
  • One Community FCU
  • Poca Valley Bank
  • Spectra Funding, INC/DB First Mortgage Services
  • United Bank
  • West Virginia Housing Development Fund