Special Claims
If a subsidized unit becomes vacant, the Owner/Agent may file a claim for vacancy loss and compensation for unpaid tenant rent and damages. The special claims are submitted to the WVHDF where they are analyzed, verified, and approved, adjusted, or denied.
- Special Claims must be submitted to the WVHDF for approval with the appropriate checklist (see below) and all required supporting documents, for each unit listed on the claim.
- All forms must be signed.
- Claims must be received within 180 calendar days following the date the unit becomes available for occupancy.
- The move-out or unit transfer out must be in TRACS when a claim packet is submitted.
- If the unit was re-rented within 60 calendar days after the “date unit ready for occupancy,” the move-in or unit transfer-in must be viewable in TRACS when the claim is submitted.
- If the move-in tenant is a market renter, provide the signed move-in HUD-50059 or lease.
- Damages do not include normal wear and tear, routine cleaning, and turnover costs. In addition, attorney fees and unpaid utility bills are not eligible for claim reimbursement.
- Payment requests for approved/adjusted claims must be made on a voucher within 90 calendar days of the claim approval date.
- After a property has received payment of tenant damages and/or unpaid rent claim, any subsequent amount collected from the tenant through collection efforts should be returned on the property’s next HAP voucher submission as a Miscellaneous Accounting Request (RSPC-Recouped Special Claims Funds).
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