
The West Virginia Homeowners Rescue Program is CLOSED to all new claims and applications. Visit www.wvhomeresuce.com for more information. You may check the status of your application by logging into the application portal.

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund Board of Directors will meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday, February 26. Click here to view the agenda. 


The HOME Rental Program has been designed to provide HOME funds to private and nonprofit owners and developers of low-income rental housing units.  The HOME Rental Program provides low-interest rate loans to eligible housing developers for the acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of multifamily housing. The HOME Rental Program loan may be the primary source of financing or may bridge the gap between the developer’s primary financing and the total development costs.  The rates and terms of the loans are established during the underwriting and review of the final proposal.  The minimum term of the HOME Rental loan is 15 years for rehabilitation and 20 years for new construction.

In 2023, the Fund committed $6,093,000 of HOME funds to four affordable housing multifamily residential rental projects. The four projects contain 192 total units, and 34 of these units were HOME assisted.

For more information on the HOME Program, please contact Cathy Colby