
The West Virginia Homeowners Rescue Program is CLOSED to all new claims and applications. Visit www.wvhomeresuce.com for more information. You may check the status of your application by logging into the application portal.

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund Board of Directors will meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday, February 26. Click here to view the agenda. 


Manual developed to empower historically disadvantaged groups

For more information contact Joshua Brown 304.391.8648

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund recently updated its Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Applicant’s Guide.

“Fair housing is a vital part of our mission and this guide offers what we hope will be a valuable insight and provide information on a number of issues, including our duties, owners’ responsibilities, record keeping and a host of other issues,” said Erica Boggess, the Fund’s Acting Executive Director.

The guide offers an overview about the Fund’s best practices in terms of attracting buyers and renters regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability and familial status. It also offers tip sheets, copies of necessary federal forms and other resources.

The primary audience for this document is expected to be managers and developers of properties built using the Funds’ programs which require the submission of an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan , but Joshua Brown, the Fund’s Fair Housing Compliance Officer, noted anyone in the housing industry is welcome to read it and contact the Fund if they have any questions.

“The rules and regulations that govern fair housing are complex and can often be intimidating. We want our partners to know that we are a resource and a place they can turn for assistance,” Brown said. “This is a dynamic document. We will work with all of our stakeholders on a regular basis to further assess, develop and implement these policies.”

Developers and those who are using federal funds must understand what’s expected of them and why their marketing practices matter, Brown said. This guide outlines what they must do in simple, easy-to-follow instructions.WVHDF Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan 

Josh Brown, the West Virginia Housing Development Fund’s Fair Housing Compliance Officer, has announced the release of the 2013 Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan. “We want to be a resource for our partners in the housing industry and we hope this guide is helpful.”

Josh Brown, the Fund’s Fair Housing Compliance Officer, has announced the release of the Fund’s 2013 Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan.