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Select Recipient Accessing Your Account Online+790+account+indiv+Questions about accessing your account online via the Customer Information System Affordable Housing Fund+92807+noaccount+company+null Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)+801+noaccount+company+Questions about the CHDO program which provides financing to qualified nonprofit housing organizations to develop affordable housing. Existing Loan Questions+792+account+indiv+null FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST+827+noaccount+indiv+null General Inquiry+804+noaccount+indiv+null I’m a First-Time Homebuyer and Have Questions+53605+noaccount+indiv+null LIHTCP Mailing List+821+noaccount+company+The WVHDF LIHTCP Mailing List Information Sheet Land Development+794+noaccount+company+null Leveraged Loan Program+795+noaccount+company+null Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTCP)+796+noaccount+company+Questions about the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program which generates low-income residential rental units by encouraging private investment through federal tax credits. Media Inquiries+91490+noaccount+company+Please direct all media inquiries to Communications Administrator Whitney Humphrey at 304-391-8643 or [email protected] . Mini-Mod Rehab Program+797+noaccount+company+Questions about the Mini-Mod Rehab Program which provides landlords affordable financing to renovate existing apartment units. Mortgage Program Info and Pre-Approval+53604+noaccount+indiv+null On-site Septic System Loan Program+807+noaccount+indiv+This program is designed to help eligible households repair or replace onsite septic systems or connect to a public treatment system. REO Manager+4153+noaccount+indiv+null Real Estate and Mortgage Industry Professionals Contact Single Family Leadership+53603+noaccount+company+null Refinance Your Existing Mortgage+53598+noaccount+indiv+null Section 8 Contract Administration+3712+noaccount+indiv+Thank you for your interest in this program. Please complete the following form and a member of our staff will contact you. Website Issues+805+noaccount+indiv+Please contact us if you are having trouble with our website. --- Alicia D. Massie+1790+noaccount+indiv+null April Taylor+93227+noaccount+indiv+null Cathy Colby+1785+noaccount+indiv+null Chad M. Leport, CPA+1792+noaccount+indiv+null Dorothy K. White, CPA+1781+noaccount+indiv+null Jon M. Rogers+1779+noaccount+indiv+null Kristin A. Shaffer+1789+noaccount+indiv+null Michelle L. Wilshere, CPA+1783+noaccount+indiv+null Nathan E. Testman+1786+noaccount+indiv+null Scott Smith+90884+noaccount+indiv+null Tammy Bonham+1782+noaccount+indiv+null Tina Deweese+93284+noaccount+indiv+null Whitney Humphrey+90888+noaccount+indiv+null
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Current WV LIHTCP Program Project Owner Prospective WV LIHTCP Developer Current WV LIHTCP Project Manager NCSHA or State Housing Finance Agency Local Public Housing Authority Lender Syndicator Attorney Accountant Government Agency Market Analyst Consultant