
The West Virginia Homeowners Rescue Program is CLOSED to all new claims and applications. Visit www.wvhomeresuce.com for more information. You may check the status of your application by logging into the application portal.


West Virginia Housing Development Fund
Board of Directors Meeting

Regular Meeting

Agenda to be posted soon.

2nd Floor Boardroom, 5710 MacCorkle Avenue SE, Charleston


Any person desiring to address the Board via telephone must register with Lori Ryan at (304) 391-8637 or no later than 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Any person desiring to address the Board in person must register on the sign-up sheet provided in the Boardroom no later than 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Pursuant to Article III, Section 8 of the West Virginia Housing Development Fund Bylaws, all persons desiring to address the Board shall limit their comments to five minutes each unless otherwise agreed to by the Board.