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Forum continues to grow

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund is proud to have participated in the 2015 West Virginia Housing Conference. In addition to the Fund’s sponsorship of the event, three staff members lead separate sessions to help participants better understand the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the Fair Housing Act and the many programs offered and administered by the Fund.

“Now in its second year, the Housing Conference continues to bring together professionals from across the industry,” said Erica Boggess, the Fund’s Acting Executive Director. “This is a great chance to share ideas, experiences and to gain a better understanding of what we need to do to move housing forward in West Virginia.”

Boggess added not only were banks, mortgage lenders and housing officials represented, but attendees came from a number of different professions, including developers, builders, social services, law enforcement, tech, legal and non-profits.

“It was a great event and the folks who put it together did a wonderful job,” she said.

Featured speakers included Jonathan Reckford, Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity International, State Senator Jeff Kessler, D-Marshall and Doris Koo, AARP Board of Directors.

Fund presenters included:

Boggess  – “WVHDF Program At A Glance – What funding does the WVHDF Really offer.”

Cathy Colby, Managing Director of the HOME Programs – “The Big 4 (CFR 92.250) Fiscal Soundness, Capacity, Market and Underwriting”

Josh Brown, Managing Director of Asset Management & Technical Services – Fair Housing Jeopardy.